North Fulton athletic coop is accepting applications for a Junior High Assistant Volleyball coach.
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
We are using HR Imaging this year for school picture day which is Thursday We are having a drawing for PreK-12 for $5 off a portrait package. If you are planning on purchasing and would like your name in the drawing please email Geri at by Wed at noon. Thanks and have a great day
The field is lined and all is ready for Meet The Miners (and Wildcats) Friday (8/23) at 6 pm at Valley. Are you going to join us?
We are busy getting the football field ready for the acrimmage Friday night and then first game next week. Are you coming to cheer on the Miners?
The LVC HS Boys golf match @ Kellogg Golf Course on Thurs 8-22 will now be a 3pm start time, not 4.
This week in North Fulton Wildcat and LVC Miners athletics
The Fall Trap League is now available for A-town and Spoon River Valley Students in Jr High and High School! There will be another informational/registration meeting for the A-Town/Valley Fall Trap Team, this Saturday (8/17) at 1:00 pm, at Smokin' Clays Gun Range, 5450 E Hatch Rd Avon, 2 miles west of Ellisville.
Junior High and High School will have a team building/kickoff day tomorrow. Each class will get points for wearing class colors. They are as follows:
Seniors - Pink
Juniors - Blue
Sophomores - Red
Freshman - Black
8th Grade - Gray
7th Grade - White
6th Grade - Purple
Staff - Green
Spoon River Valley will host 6th grade orientation tomorrow evening at 5:30. There will be an open house for all student to bring their supplies from 6:00 to 7:00. Stop by between the buildings for ice cream. See you tomorrow
Agenda for the Board of Education meeting on August 12, 2024 -
FYI - since our office staff worked long days this week for student registration, all SRV school offices will be closed on Friday, August 9th. We will be glad to help you on Monday if you need assistance.
We are currently having well repairs done at SRV so if you come to registration, water will not be available so please use plan to use the restrooms sparingly.
Reminder: Spoon River Valley Registration today (8/6) - 3 pm to 7 pm and tomorrow (8/7) 9 am to 2 pm. General registration fees waived! More information:
Monday, August 5, 2024 the board Building and Grounds/Policy committee will meet. Here is the agenda:
Welcome Back
We are now accepting applications for guidance counselor starting for the 2024-2025 school year. You can find more information here: Please share with anyone you feel would be a good fit for our team.
From Mrs. Olson-I'm excited to teach a new computer science class this year using the curriculum. I attended a week-long training in Peoria with computer teachers from around the state and will continue to meet with them throughout the school year. I encourage students to register for this new and exciting class! #4tteamvalley
The front parking lot is reasealed and painted. Just one of the many projects going on this summer.
September 6 LVC Dance will host a Military Dedication