We hope you join us tonight for the High School Volleyball game in Cuba, but if you can't make it you can certainly check the livestream here: https://youtube.com/live/XBuFYSMkxDw?feature=share
#NFWildcats #GoCats
Congratulations to our own Mrs. Burdette! She was named the Illinois Civics Hub Democracy Schools TEACHER OF THE YEAR for her work with our students on using the process to help improve our schools. CONGRATULATIONS!
SRV Hallway Scores:
1sr Place - Sophomores - 146 pts
2nd Place- Juniors - 142 pts
3rd Place - Freshmen- 114 pts
4th Place - Seniors - 90 pts
Thank you all for your hard work and school spirit! The hallways all look great this year!!
Go Miners!
This week in North Fulton Wildcat and LVC Miners Athletics...
Blood Drive at SRV
Wednesday - 9/25 - Spirit Night at 7pm - families welcome to watch Iron Man and PowderPuff
Friday - 9/27- Pep Assembly at Lewistown at 9am
-Lewistown Parade at 12:30pm
-Cuba Parade at 2:00pm
-Tailgate for HS Students at Cuba at 6:00pm
Saturday - 9/28- Game at Cuba at 2:00pm - Royalty will be announced at half-time
- Dance - at Valley 7:00-9:30pm - $5/student
Its homecoming week!
2024 Angel Tree
Go Miners!
Already putting the distance learning room to use for remote training for students. This equipment was part of a rural grant.
Bus announcement: Mr. Harrison's bus will be running his normal route and therefore on time.
The administration at Spoon River Valley received a report of rumors of a potential school threat. We immediately worked with Fulton County Sheriff's department to help in the investigation. The initial investigation is complete and there is not an immediate threat at Spoon River Valley. More information continues to surface and we continue to follow our procedures as the safety of students and staff are a top priority. We would like to thank the Fulton County Sheriff's Department for their prompt attention to this very serious matter. We appreciate your continued support and vigilance in keeping our schools safe environments for learning.
Go get em Miners!
Do you need extra income? Spoon River Valley is looking for bus drivers. We have sign on bonuses, referral bonuses as well as paid training. If you want more information please contact Matt Harrison, transportation director at 309-778-2201.
Bus changes for this afternoon and tomorrow: London Mills routes will be combined onto one. Some pickups and drop offs may be a little later. Jim's route kids that live outside of town will be dropped off and picked up by Mr. Freeman in a van. Times may be a few minutes earlier or later than usual. Maquon and Fairview routes will continue with what they have been this week.
If you are headed to West Prairie for the North Fulton Volleyball game Wednesday night, let them do the cooking!
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, starting Tuesday the 17th and continuing until further notice, mornings Mr. Harrison's route before Fairview will be picked up 10 minutes early, those after Fairview will be 20 minutes early, Middlegrove will be 5 minutes late and Maquon will be 10 minutes late. In the afternoon Mr. Harrison's route will be up to 25 minutes late.
There has been a change in schedule for the Mini Cheer Camp. Valley students will practice Thursday ONLY from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at Valley.
#LVCMiners #4teamvalley
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Mr. Harrison's regular bus route may be dropped off up to 20 minutes late this afternoon.