The HS girls basketball game scheduled for Thursday 2nd has been CANCELLED...there will be practice Thursday 3:30-5:30 @ Valley. The Senior Night ceremony will now take place on Monday 6th @ Cuba HS instead.
We hosted our annual Winter Blahs speech tournament and with this being Mr. Knox's last one, many of his speech alumni members gathered to honor his many years of service. (Photo cred Julie Wasson) Congratulations Mr. Knox! #4teamvalley
We must have been REALLY good! When Santa delivers to your roof in a crate...
The crane rolled in today to get the replacement cooling units from our storm damage that occured over a year and a half ago on the roof Should stay cool more edficiently after this.
We are accepting applications for an early childhood teacher. Find more information here:
The LVC athletic coop is searching for a cross country coach to start in the fall of 2023. See information here:
#4teamvalley #LVCMiners
Join our team and be part of our story. We are looking for a Speech and Language Pathologist to start in August of 2023.
We have launched our new website. Check out our new cyber home at More information coming soon. #4teamvalley
Valley speech team participated in Eureka Invitational with 22 schools attending. Aidan Kenyon and Zeke Loveland 3d Place Dramatic Duet Acting and Aidan Kenyon 6th Place Impromptu Speaking. Congrats!
Reminder - no school tomorrow (Monday, Jan 16) due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy the day off.
Congrats to the JV boys basketball team for their consolation championship in the South Fulton JV tournament tonight. Way to go!
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
An exciting one piint win for the Eighth graders on Eighth grade night against LaHarpe.
#4teamvalley #nfwildcats
The new gym padding is up
and installed. it looks great!
#4teamvalley #nfwildcats
Merry Christmas! What makes our little district powerful and a unique experience for our students is the way our students are supported by our staff, parents and communities. We are truly a very unique experience.
Thank you to each and every one of you!
Mr. Janssen
All North Fulton Wildcat practices scheduled for Friday 12/23 have been cancelled.
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
All North Fulton practices have been cancelled for today (Thursday, Dec 22)
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
The North Fulton Wildcats high school girls basketball game scheduled for Thursday 22nd @ Brimfield has been POSTPONED to a later date to be determined.
#nfwildcats #4teamvalley
Remember Monday and Tuesday are both school days this week but also both 2:00 dismissal.
Congratulations to the students, staff and communities of Spoon River Valley that donated enough food items to distribute 22 boxes to those that needed a little assistance this year! They were much appreciated!
Toy drive was again a success! Aiden, National Honor Society President and Dexter, Jr high Student Council President are here with over $500 worth of toys and gift cards collected for the Children's Hospital.