Reminder: Due to the Labor Day holiday, there will be no school at SRV on Monday! Enjoy the extended weekend!
The school has been cleared and is safe. Volleyball practice will be at Valley tonight. All practice buses will run as scheduled. If high school or junior high students need something out of the building, they are welcome to come between now and 4:00. Thanks to everyone for their cooperation today.
Due to investigation into a possible gas situation, in the interest of safety Spoon River Valley will be dismissing students at 1:45 pm.
We are looking for a great person to join our team to assist one of our students in their learning. More information here:
This week in NF Wildcat and LVC Miner athletics...
The elementary roof project is moving along! Hopefully a few more days should get it to the point of detail work like flashing.
The football game tonight at Macomb has been changed to 8:00pm.
The changes on the football field to support our Miners continue. Will you be joining us for a game this fall?
It appears the peak of the heat wave will be this afternoon. Our buses do not have air conditioning so may be uncomfortable. We encourage parents to pick their children up if possible. We will again be providing bottles of water for those students riding the bus. Stay safe!
Due to the extreme heat, the NF HS Volleyball game scheduled for Wednesday 8/23/23 has been moved to CUBA and the start time pushed back to 5:30 pm.
As you may be aware, there is an extreme heat advisory through Thursday evening. Please keep in mind our buses are not air conditioned. We also encourage our students to bring water bottles that can be refilled at our filtered bottle fill stations. We will be taking all of our usual heat precautions.
Reminder: All Spoon River Valley students are dismissed early at 2 pm each day all week this week. Welcome back!
SRV JH AND HS STUDENTS: Tomorrow is class color day! Your class will get points for dress-up. Here are the colors:
Juniors- black
Join us tonight!
Correction: All SRV students in Grades K-12 will start school on Wednesday the 16th. The first day for preschool students has been delayed to Monday, the 21st due to construction related issues.
Reminder that all SRV School Offices will be closed today (Friday, August 11) so the dust can settle from registration.
Oops! If you missed registration for some reason and you haven't registered your child for school, please contact the appropriate office to make an appointment to get them registered. Your child can not attend school without being registered and appropriate paperwork submitted.
Reminder: Registration will be held in person today (8/8) from 3 pm to 7 pm and also tomorrow (8/9) from 9 am to 2 pm. Please enter the High School north doors. We look forward to seeing you!
We are looking for a Junior High Social Studies teacher for THIS school year! Please share with anyone you know that might be interested.
Exciting stuff this morning! The crane is on site to put some of our rooftop units back up on our new elementary roof!